Thursday, November 20, 2008

Make a difference...

Lately I have been bitter about "people" in general. Whether its drivers, runners, walkers, roadies, etc...just most people seem unhappy and rude. And for some reason I have been letting it bother me.

Guess what, they are unhappy, they are rude...doesn't mean I have to accept it. This morning I rode past countless cyclists and pedestrians, and I said "hi" and waved to each and every one of them. 3 said hello back, one waved in silence. I bet by next month my smile makes at least one more of them smile.

I see kids at Cameron's school, very selfish and rude with no regard for others....then I see their parents and understand where it comes from...doesn't mean I or my kids will be the same way. That's just not how I was raised.

So a challenge to all of you, next time you are cut off on the road....don't react. When that person flys up the shoulder to get in front of you...let them in. Smile at people, say "excuse me." Hold the door open, help somebody... Don't be a victim of someone else's unhappiness, rise above it.

I had a great time this past weekend talking to the kids about helping others and that we needed to donate clothes and toys we didn't need anymore. They asked who we would give it to and I explained someone who needed them, someone not as fortunate as we were to have all this "stuff," such choices in clothes. etc. To my surprise, other than a few toys the kids jumped at the opportunity to help. They bagged clothes, toys, etc. We went down to donate and they helped me load all the bags and items into the goodwill trailer....

Afterwards, as we waited for the recycling depot to open (cashing in the cans) enjoying an Icee the kids were really happy helping other kids out.

Remember, each one of us is to blame for the state of our country...because we have all let it happen...and if you have kids, you are more to blame and you carry a HUGE responsibility to our society to make certain our kids are "good citizens." As you all know, most people in this country could care less about anyone else, its all about themselves and how much they have compared to someone else...and that's how their kids are too.

I have been burned in the past and likely will again in the future but I refuse to be that way, and I will not allow my children to be the same. There is a fine line between "being polite" and letting someone walk all over you....but I will continue to walk it with the hopes of making this world a better least a friendlier one.

Make a difference!

...okay I am off my soap box, time to go get on my bike!

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