My morning was packed with Gymnastics and Indoor soccer so I couldn't make my start time or Marja's race... Turns out as usual, Marja and Natalie punished the rest of the field and Marja put herself into serious hurt chasing Natalie! Not bad for a woman who rides infrequently thanks to her grad school schedule, rides a bike that's too big for her, has been riding it for only a year.... Can you tell I am jealous. Marja took second in the B series.
Cam, Annika and I made it down for the Men's B race to watch Scott race. The start saw Scott in about 6th or 7th place as they came up onto the levee....half a lap later he was about 10 seconds in front of the field and his lead kept growing from there. Scott finished about 1 minute ahead of the field. Impressive!
The course at Sutters sounded like a blast and there was A LOT of SAND in the men's and women's B races..... :)
Congrats to Marja, Shelly taking 2nd in the Masters A's, and Scott getting himself banned from the B's next season!! Wish I could whoop-ass enough to get banned and sent up!!! To explain Scott's dominance and luck, he won the money for winning the first lap at every race (payout depending on race attendance, $20 to $50) covering race fees, then last night in the raffle he won a "season pass" so he pays nada for all of next season. Jerk.....hint, more jealousy!
Congrats guys! It was a fun day for the kids and I, letting the mutts romp in the river as we watched CX, hung out with Steve and Jason from Redding and were just surrounded by cycling....great community! Marja planning to be on a custom DeSalvo for next season....yikes! (again more jealousy) I also found a list of endurance events for the 2009 season on her coffee table....think she has the sickness now!!!
P.S. Props to Chris for riding his new pony in the balmy 30 degree weather in Seattle... so starts the push for a great Round and Round in May...see you in Spokane!

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