Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chucky in a bad mood...


Well, okay...maybe I was simply tired. I met Scott for my "voluntary" furlough Friday for a spin on the usual loop in Auburn with a visit, of course, to Chucky. Ruck-a-Chucky is the crossing used in the Western States Trail 100 run to get across the Middle Fork of the American River. Its about 2 miles losing almost 1000 feet - most of that in under 1.75 miles....anyway, its because of Scott I know this. I used to hate him for it, but have become almost as sick as he and I look forward to it.

We met about 9a.m., Russel Road as usual, except as he drives up I see something odd on the top of the Man-Van....its a geared bike....what??? I am already dead tired from the week before, now Scott has gears...lucky for me he is pooped too. After the standard smack talking because of his bike, we head out. Its allegedly 40 degrees, the forecast temp by the time we finish, almost 70 degrees...roasting for this time of year.

As we head up Clementine I realize just how long of a day it will be...we get to the connector and I am whipped, seriously whipped. We talk, strip off the knee and arm warmers and start up the connector....feeling much better now we limp along. What an amazing day, way too nice to be in the office.

We get to the top of Chucky and head down, about face and start back up. One of those character building days I guess. As Scott put it, "I've suffered more before..." Its nice with something like Chucky, I used to try and make the whole its making it on the worst of days. Usual days, Scott and I are usually looking at the watch "racing" up it (I use the term "racing" here loosely, VERY loosely)....

Once at the picnic tables at Drivers Flat I lick my wounds and we start off for the second half of the loop that feels better than the first....and what really made my day was Scott's JRA. Maybe the funniest thing I have witnessed in a while.

JRA: Just Riding Along, sort of like UFO, a label used when you either are trying to hide the fact you ate sh&% or you just can't explain it.

As I ride behind Scott, he slowly crosses up his front wheel and slowly falls head first off the trail, still clipped in, with a smile on his face the entire time. I hop off laughing my a$$ off, and grab some roots to make certain I do not slide down the slope as I grab his rear wheel and drag his bike up onto the trail... Scott untangles himself from the bushes, shockingly enough there appears to be very little poison oak where he fell! and pulls himself back up. Minor carnage on the knee, other than that we just ride on...

You always have to appreciate any time your friends eat-it on their bike because you never know when your turn will be! So you run with it....Sorry Scott.

We finish out the ride. I am tired, but not as bad as I thought I might be. I suck down some Clif Recovery and say bye to Scott to meet Marja, Jenni and Joel down at Granite Bay for a spin... Once there I head out on the CX bike for a loop with the dogs included. They had a blast. Looking forward to riding next weekend with them again....

What was learned on the ride? (1) I can actually arrive before Scott for a ride, (2) Scott is racing a geared bike at Sea Otter (bummer), and (3) I need to ride my mtb more! I miss it! Bring on Furlough Fridays!

So now its Sunday a.m., and after a crazy Dad-taxi day with birthday parties, baseball, gymnastics and more birthday parties (Cam is still at Nates for a sleep over) we are kicking back. Sad news, it appears Phil may have pulled or torn something in his left hind leg. The poor little guy will not use that leg at all. May have to alter a Bob Trailer to accommodate Phil on the trail....hmmmmm my project. I will keep you posted on the little guy!


So its been a few days....Phil is fine, he's a dork as usual. Annika was sad for Cameron's return, I think she enjoyed it just being her and Dad.

Its Wednesday on a Furlough week, rode Monday and Tues. Tues. I rode out with Dave from the office, rained a bit up to marker 14, that's where I turned around to head back and out to Marja's. Rain ceased, I warmed up. At about marker 6 I notice the DARK back drop behind downtown Sac to the I pick up the pace on my "spin" to try and beat the deluge.

At about marker 1.5, a large mass of something crosses the trail about 25 feet in front of me....I brake hard thinking skunks, but to my delight it was about 8 river otters running from the large containment ponds to the south of the trail to the canal on the right of the bike trail... I am relieved because I hadn't seen them for a very long time, years in fact, along the American River. The coolest animal in the area I have to say!

As I approach Discovery (marker 0) it starts to rain....and I mean rain...

The last 5 miles of my ride I was soaked the bone, now up on surface streets I am riding faster than traffic on Garden Highway because they can't see....Wow...

Today, prior to a run with Marja, I plan on heading out on the CX bike for about a 40 mile EZ spin along the trail with another 40 - 50 miles tomorrow on the road bike nice and EZ as well.

Friday Scott and I are hitting the trails on CX bikes, hoping I can convince him of Auburn!! (hint!)
What made the ride

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