Sunday, December 21, 2008

Last CX for me this year!

This morning is the last CX race for me, the final race of the series is January 3rd, but with Cam's indoor soccer game at 9:20 in Rancho and Annika's gym practice from 9:30-11:30 and my start time at Sutters Landing at 11:30....well you do the math!!! Such is life....I do have to brag here, Cam almost scored with a header in his U8 indoor game yesterday, the place went insane as he missed just wide off the wall!

So my buddy Chris is spiralling into depression because he finds himself in 4 inches of snow with a foot more on the way in Seattle. I won't rub it in and say, "you have to live with your choices..." cuz that would be mean. I won't remind him we are all racing CX today here in Sac and his season is over. That just wouldn't be right. Finally, eventhough he makes fun of the California CX we race here, i.e. sun and dust, I won't let him know that its raining and 44 degrees, with rain expected to get heavier through the day. See, friends don't do that to friends...

So as I sit next to the fire place with Phil and Maddie curled up chewing on their bones, me sipping coffee, Marja already stressing over her 10:15 start... I stop and take in the big picture...
  1. Its 44 degrees, raining outside...
  2. Its 64, fire roaring inside with a pot of coffee brewing...its dry
  3. I will be sliding on my mud boots, rain shell, beanie
  4. After Marja's race I will struggle to slide my already frozen feet into my mtb shoes and start trying to warm up on course...soaking wet

Wow, when you look at it that way, why would anyone want to stay inside at home! I guess thats what CX is all about. Now in Chris' defense....we will not be on a frozen tundra with snow on the ground, I am and will always be jealous of that... we will however be racing in the rain, through wet sand with some mud, yes it is still California Cross...but its WET California Cross! Back to my favorite phrase, "it is what it is..."

I always said riding my bike reminds me of the freedom of riding my BMX around town every summer day, all day...but racing CX, heck, thats being a kid all over again...if you haven't any idea of what I am talking about, you need to try it because you won't understand it until you do...

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