We did see some cuddily wildlife, right on the trail. I wanted to help the little guy out so I tried to remove him from the middle of the single track, just enjoying the sun in everyones way, a lot like an equestrian, but this little guy didn't yell and scream like an equestrian!

Personally, when something this small coils up and starts trying to bite me....It freaks me out! Needless to say we left him alone as the only sticks lying around were poison oak branches....I let him be.
Monday was spent playing on the CX along the American River trails for about 3 hours before grabbing the munchkins from school! Cameron discovered that Phil's talent, other than being a complete moron, is soccer! Cameron wants him to play on his team this weekend:I rode in this a.m. on the CX, can't really figure out why so many people have issue with riding a SS CX bike on the DG along the bike trail. The good news is riding home I will be on the trails where they can't be bothered by me! Its just amazing how many people concern themselves with what other people are doing, and if its not what they are doing, "How Dare they be different!!"
Its amazing. This morning I passed (thats coming and going) 26 people on the trail, I always say "hello" or "good morning"...3 responded with a smile on their face, not a peep from the 23 others. Personally, I love to ride and am happy whenever I am on a bike so I have a really hard time trying to figure out why others riding seem so unhappy. And yes, I am going to say it, the club road riders are the most disgruntled of them all. I will not mention the Sac Wheelmen or any other club like the Bike Hikers, but give me a break guys and gals....HAVE SOME FUN and SMILE!!!!! Don't bitch at me for ridng my "road bike" in the dirt.....
First of all its not a road bike.
Second of all, why do you care?
Its legal, I am not in your way, so why not just enjoy the ride? At least you guys are riding and caring about your health... but why not smile and be happy others love what you love, the BIKE.
What? People aren't friendly? I can't believe you ride your so called road bike in the dirt!
I don't think its my "road bike" as much as it is I don't have a belly hanging over my 1983 spandex shorts
Would those be the Carrera "Jean" Lycra shorts?
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