Monday, October 27, 2008

Taking what your given...

This weekend was full of soccer and every other physical activity you can picture a 4 and 6 year old doing...I guess I am very lucky in that way, my kids are as active as me, sometimes a lot more active than me!! I was raised to lead by example and so far I think I am doing a good job. Now don't get me wrong, I have a lot to work on, but I was raised respect for others, ESPECIALLY your elders, give 110% in school then play (in that order) and most importantly be happy - and what I have learned is that is MY responsibility.

I see so many kids that are over weight and just plain lazy....I just can't wrap my mind around that because my kids are INSANE energy-wise and love being outdoors, playing soccer, biking, riding their scooters, gymnastics every second of the day...I could go on.

A good example is at the gym Sunday, I rode the bike for about 70 minutes. The kids room is HUGE and full of video games, jungle gyms and basketball courts all indoors....each time I return the girls working always comment on how Cam and Annika are always playing on the courts while most of the others are on the video games. Don't get me wrong, I will be playing xbox tonight, but like everything else in the world....MODERATION!

For me being healthy is happy....seeing my kids healthy and happy makes me even happier...

I guess I just hope for all these parents and obese children that they figure out whats healthy...its sad.

With that said, get off your butt and go play with your kids!!!! Too tired, thats what Monster is for...believe me!!!! out for the angry squirrel, I hear he struck again!!

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