Monday, January 12, 2009

Still thawing....

Well its 10:20a.m., I am sitting at my desk. Its 70 degrees inside the building according to the thermostat on the wall across from my cubicle. I have jeans on, wool socks, two short sleeve shirts, a Mountain Hardware Fleece Windstopper jacket, and a beanie on my head. I have a hot cup of coffee (no not Temple, its bad...but its hot).

No I am not sick, at least how you are thinking. Although many people think I am sick because of why I am so cold. Just under 40 miles, thick fog, allegedly 33 degrees but I skated across a lot of ice and frozen mud, all of it done before the sun was visible on the horizon. Glorious CX ride.

The problem: my building, in an effort to be "green," limits its use of natural gas for heating, i.e. hot matter how long I stand in the shower, the luke warm water just doesn't bring up my core body temp. Just a few minutes ago my toes finally weren't freezing, just cold.

Now I know many more people ride in colder conditions than this, but why the hell can't we have a hot shower? Maybe its one of Arnold's tactics to make up a $40,000,000,000 deficit. I like to write out the zeros. How about let me have a hot shower and tax super sized fries at McDonald's, maybe a few people won't eat as many, yes tax revenue would drop today, BUT health costs in the future would drop along with it....wait, we are talking government, sorry. And for the hard lined republicans out there, yes many (I will avoid the word "most") people need to be influenced as to what may be better for them and their future as it impacts each and everyone of us as we pay for their Type II Diabetes medication, the diabetes they gave themselves via over eating and living a life of stagnation...

Sorry, just read a story about how much education will be cut in order to "save" the state money and help people get more $40 vouchers for converter boxes so they can exercise their right to sit on their asses and watch TV and better prepare our country for the future... I can never remember all of the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution especially our right to television as subsidized by the federal government...but then again they are paying peoples mortgages now because they over-extended themselves?!

Sorry I digress....I did see a guy smoking a cigar while he rode his Colnago (yes it was a Colnago cuz I turned around to make certain) this a.m. as I got into town on my way to the office...he looked warm at least?

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the author, and he relishes in the fact that many will disagree with them because that IS their right under the constitution....

1 comment:

ckunin said...

Now you are beginning to understand my pain. Try riding in those conditions for 100+ miles. That is true dedication to training.

I won't even respond to the non-biking portion of your commentary because I don't have the time or energy to write the novwl that would insue. Plus, I would offend too many people.