Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just another commute...

Rode in this morning, have to say it was balmy. Super humid and somewhere around 50 degrees. Now I am not complaining at all, but I was over dressed.

After I get the kids to school I park my truck down at the Aquatic Center to ride in the bike trail straight to the office (22 miles). I change into my winter bibs, grab my gloves, etc.....hop out, lock the truck and go to get my bike out of the back. Got everything I need, but I think I will put my arm warmers away in my pack...


I remember thinking to myself as I watched Cam grab his backpack for school, wow Cam remembers his pack every day now, that's very grown up of him...I am a proud dad. Then I grabbed my water bottle and phone and head out to drop them off at school.

Nope, nowhere in there do I even remotely recall grabbing my pack, the one I thoughtfully packed the night before: clean clothes, shoes, wallet, pump, tube, multi-tool, patch kit, LUNCH, rain cape.

No, today I will be riding with two Gu's - luckily left in my pocket and a granola bar I had in my truck. No pump, no tube, etc.... Tempting karma, but fully accepting of the fact that if I flat, I am walking a long way... got to do what you got to do!

So I stick to the paved trail for "most" of the ride, taking the more fun sections of dirt. On one stretch of trail (its actually the old bike trail, asphalt removed, so we are talking a 12 foot wide dirt road here) I startle a woman walking her Rot. I was almost 50 meters behind her when she jumped so I don't feel too bad, but still apologize and say hello as I pass...

Me: "Sorry about that, good morning!!"

Lady: "HE WILL HURT YOU!!!!"

Now people, I can't make this stuff up.....As I run it through my head, I look back because I am certain I misheard her...No, that constipated look on her face says it all as she glares at me. Maybe it was my cyclocross bike, or my Visenka team kit I was wearing that was "threatening" to her....maybe she's a roadie, I dunno...

The funniest part of it, as I pass, the Rot is doing his business totally clueless that I am even riding by...

I love dogs.....

I am looking forward to my ride home, I plan on taking all trails up to my truck, a good FUN 26 miles. One issue I will have, my backpack also had my regular bib shorts, so I am riding home in winter bibs. Its supposed to be 60 today.... Maybe I can find a rubber sweatshirt to wear with it!

But alas, I cannot complain as it is all SELF-INFLICTED.... if you can't laugh at yourself....

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