Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cameron's Turn...

We headed out to Davis this a.m. for Cameron's second triathlon. He had a 25 meter swim, 1.2 mile bike, and a 0.5 mile run.

Right before Cameron's heat started, he said he was nervous, but never showed it. In the pool, two kids per lane, Cam took a foot in the nose from the lane next to him and got a bloodied nose, he climbed out of the pool and started running to the transition when the EMT stopped him to look at his nose....the whole time Cam kept trying to get away to run to his bike....finally about what seemed like 2 minutes later (probably 45 seconds), Cam was off sprinting to his bike. He found his bike, put on his shoes, shirt and helmet and took off. Once out of the transition area he stood up and started love that!!!

The course returned to the transition by coming through an under pass under the neighborhood street (Davis bike paths rock!!) and making a hard right, up a short hill to the park. Cam came ripping through the underpass, making a hard right with the race volunteer screaming at Cam to slow down...nothing doing.... I will admit I was a bit nervous but he made the turn and cranked up to the transition w/o any expression on his face...his race face!!

He racked his bike, dropped his helmet and took off sprinting out of the transition. He grabs a cup of water w/o missing a step, drinks it and tosses it like he has been racing for years! I have a hard time (1) not spilling the cup all over myself, and (2) not choking in a lame attempt to drink whats left after I wear most of it. He tore off FAST.... I hoped he'd have something left in the tank come the finish...

Just to make me look silly for worrying, Cam came flying into the finishing chute, obviously hurting a little, but running just as fast as he started the run... Wow!!

He certainly runs better than his old man!! The best part was the huge smile at the finish, he loved it! The MOST IMPORTANT part!!!

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