Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy people...

Maybe I am just different, but when I see people on their bikes in the 33 degree fog, in the dark riding to work I feel compelled to wave...and if I saw them somewhere off the bike I would at a minimum say "hello" if not ask about their ride or even how they were doing... For me the bike is freedom, a release, a source of good health, and, yes, a statement that I choose to ride instead of drive (yeah it saves gas money too!).

OH!!! And lets not forget its FUN!!! I love it. When I get off the bike I am a happier person, even when the suffering has been the worst, my mood is, to put it simply, POSITIVE....

With that said, I get into work this a.m. - we have a large contingency of bike commuters, some 3 miles some 30 miles, and I respect each one of them because they are "doing something," number 1, about their health, and number 2, about the air...we are lucky enough to have a great storage room and locker room facilities as well - and as I approach my locker there are two other bike commuters dressing after showering. I put my back pack down and say, "Morning, good ride?"


...not even a look up from their lockers?...

First, we work together in the same building...we are "professionals" (now I use that term loosely as we are State Workers, epitomized by these two) and we all ride our bikes. Can't you say "hello?" I stood there looking back and forth between the two, who I see just about every day, dumbfounded. So I put by card key on the little sliver of bench so I can get my keys and open my locker to which "John Doe #1" picks up my card key and places it on my backpack (on the floor) so he can place his wet-a$$ towel on the last sliver of bench, of which he is using all of it. Keep in mind I am still standing within 2 feet of this guy....WOW....not a word.

This was a blow to me, as just the day before, my ipod shuffle fell out of my pocket at Temple Coffee downtown. Best coffee in Sac, busier than most Starbucks back in the "Starbucks Dynasty era"....I figured it was gone as it likely fell out on a couch there, I was sure of it. So 3 hours after I left Temple I realized this, went there and sure enough someone found it and gave it to Sean, the owner. Wow, I can still believe in people!

Then the next day this happens...WTF

I now realize I look foolish to most people when I talk to my kids about being polite and respectful of other people....and I often struggle when my son says, "they don't say excuse me"... how do you explain this other than, "I know they don't but we do, we will always be polite because thats the type of people we are. No matter what, you say excuse me, or thank you, you hold open doors, etc...."

Do you know he is allowed to wear his baseball hat in class? Huh? He is the only one to take his off and he doesn't know what to tell his friends when they ask him why he takes it off.

Maybe I am getting off track here.... I am just confused from this mornings events.

I apologize for this seemingly endless social commentary, this is supposed to be about riding and all the positive it brings to my life...but sometimes you have to point out whats wrong so maybe, just maybe people will change. Now the whole two of you who read this if for no other reason than it gets emailed to you, say hello to a neighbor today...or better yet, a stranger. Sincerely ask how they are doing. Its not hard.

And MORE IMPORTANTLY go ride your bike!

Milestone this past weekend, Marja and I ran with the kids, they on their new bikes, for about an hour. Both kids nailed all the climbs, of course I assisted Annika on a few hills, but not many. Cam learned that once you are over the top of a climb your legs stop "burning!!!!" That took me until I was in my late twenties before I realized that!

Smile and ride!

1 comment:

F.W. Adams said...

Hey, I'm dumbfounded on your behalf regarding your experience in the locker room. It seems to go beyond a lack of common decency and seems plain rude.

We plan on raising our young kids to respect people and have good manners and I never anticipated what to do when the notice others not doing the same. I'll have to think on that.

I really like your attitude, though, and wish you the best. Keep on riding, too!